Who’s In app for iMessage is Microsoft’s newest event planner

Michael Cottuli

Apple iPhone, Pen, and Book

Microsoft has released a new iOS app for iMessage, and it’s actually a pretty awesome addition. The app is called Who’s In, and it’s meant to help groups of friends coordinate events like eating out together and going to movies. The app is meant to replace the laborious process of asking around and grabbing contact information from everyone. Instead, letting everyone help coordinate the night together in one place.

Who’s In makes planning a night out with friends a breeze. There’s no need to switch between a variety of apps and contacts to get everyone on the same page. With Who’s In, you can find activities with Bing, suggest times to meet, then sit back as your friends vote for the best option.

Who’s In doesn’t make any particularly big splash in the wonderful world of social gathering apps, but it’s a really good idea that ought to make some people’s lives easier. It’s especially exciting to have a voting feature built in, so you don’t need to argue with anyone about what movie you want to go see, or if you’re having sushi or pizza. If you and your friends are all running with iOS devices and you want to give this app a test run, it’s available on the App Store now.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁