Gears of War 4 should make Xbox One fans very happy, according to creator

Staff Writer

Cliff Bleszinski, the creator of the fan favorite Xbox franchise Gears of War, took to Twitter to talk about the upcoming Gears of War 4 game, noting that he has spoken with a friend on the game’s writing staff. Regarding the upcoming game, he tweeted that “we will all be very pleased with it.”  The full tweet is included below.

Cliff Bleszinksi, for those unfamiliar with the man or his franchise, originally created the Gears of War franchise in 2006. The franchise is currently under the control of The Coalition, a studio headed by former Epic Games director of production. As Bleszinski references in another tweet, Rod Fergusson, @GearsViking, is the current Studio Head of The Coalition, and this game looks to be a big success for both him and the studio.

As we reported last July just after E3, Gears of War 4 is set to be accessible as a limited beta to players who purchase and play the Gears of War: Ultimate Collection. Players who purchase and play before March 1st of this year will have access to the beta before the game launches fully this holiday season.