PSA: No OnPodcast this weekend for 4th of July! Enjoy the holiday weekend!

Hey there, OnPodcast viewers and listeners. Kareen and Arif both here with a PSA. There won’t be a new episode this week due to Independence Day, better known as the 4th of July. We’ll be spending time with our families and relaxing this weekend! And posting will also be light at on Monday, July 5, when the U.S. holiday is officially observed.

We do want to recap some moments from this season though, and invite you to watch some episodes that you might have missed! We recently had a chat with YouTuber Computer Clan, as well as TikTok’s Metaverse Max. In previous shows, we also talked with ZDnet’s Mary Jo Foley and Microsoft employee Richard Hay.

We’ll be back at it next week! Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and have a happy holiday weekend!