Watch the re-creation of the new Windows 10 Hero wallpaper in Adobe After Affects


Watch the recreation of the new Windows 10 Hero wallpaper in Adobe After Affects

Love it or hate it, Microsoft put in a lot of time and effort to create the new Hero wallpaper for Windows 10. Microsoft collaborated with world renowned, San Francisco-based design director Bradley G. Munkowitz aka GMUNK to make the new wallpaper, complete with lasers, smoke machines, colored filters, and crystal dust. This wallpaper is expected to be the new default wallpaper on Windows 10 when it launches on July 29th. To take things a step further, one talented individual has decided to remake this iconic wallpaper using Adobe After Affects CC 2015. The remake looks nearly identical to GMUNK’s creation. This just goes to show you that the world is full of talented people. You can check out the video below showcasing the remake in a time-lapse format so you don’t have to sit through the whole process.