This one poster shows off what’s new in Visual Studio 2017

Laurent Giret


Visual Studio 2017, the latest version of its integrated development environment finally became generally available last week, bringing developers lots of new features and productivity enhancements. Microsoft claims that “hundred of thousands” of customers have already tried the new release, but if you have yet to get started the company has just shared a cool poster featuring the most important features of the IDE.

“We thought it would be fun to put together a poster that shows off some of our favorite parts of Visual Studio 2017. You’ll also see some helpful tips and tricks to improve your productivity,” explained the team. The poster is available as a PDF you can print, but you can also share the web infographic with any Visual Studio 2017 user you know.

Visual Studio 2017 poster
Discover what’s new in Visual Studio 2017 with this nice poster.

Last but not least, the team is also sharing this PDF, which includes some useful keyboard shortcuts for search and navigation, editing and refactoring and more. Now, you’re all set to start building apps with the new IDE!