OpenAI debuts new ChatGPT features including prompt suggestions and multiple file uploads

Priya Walia

ChatGPT - Hero image

Today, OpenAI announced a new series of significant updates targeted at their star AI chatbot, ChatGPT, aiming to make interactions smoother and more effective. Faced by a daunting blank ChatGPT window, users will now discover suggested prompts designed to ignite creativity and provide a launching pad for conversation.

The virtual assistant has become more proactive, introducing follow-up questions and responses to ensure dialogues flow naturally, echoing the pattern of human discussion. A test model of this particular feature has already shown promising results in Microsoft Bing powered by GPT, so it was an anticipated improvement for OpenAI’s proprietary chatbot. The implementation of “guardrails” should not only prevent awkward bot responses but also encourage users to engage in longer dialogues.

Furthermore, as a Plus user, you’ll experience efficiency like never before since ChatGPT can now recall your previously chosen model upon beginning a fresh chat. Also, your sessions will now remain active for longer than just two weeks. In case of logging out, you can enjoy our revamped welcome screen. You can also Streamline your work process through the use of keyboard shortcuts. For a comprehensive shortcuts directory, press Ctrl + /.

To satisfy the demands of power users, the new model now supports multiple file uploads, enabling ChatGPT to interconnect and analyse insights from various datasets—a feature that can prove to be beneficial to researchers, marketers, and data scientists. OpenAI has introduced an exciting Code Interpreter beta, through which developers can utilize ChatGPT’s capabilities to dissect complex codebases.

In a unique collaboration, third-party developers have also amped up ChatGPT’s abilities, enhancing its competency with specialized browser extensions for meticulous prompts and adding functionalities that transcend the standard interface.

Besides that, the company has now enabled search functionality within their developer docs.

OpenAI’s under-the-hood modifications gives hope that ChatGPT’s virtual assistance will someday feel as seamless and interactive as engaging with a human conversation partner, albeit potentially without the hallucinations. Future improvements promise an even better user experience, with the ultimate goal of creating a chatbot that rivals in-person human interaction.

In conclusion, as OpenAI continues its dedication to refining and enhancing ChatGPT, the AI chatbot, we can expect further advancements in the AI chatbot industry. The race towards creating the perfect virtual companion continues.

Via Venture Beat