Microsoft news recap: cyberattacks targeting Ukraine disrupted, Inspire 2022 conference date shifts, and more

Jack Wilkinson

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Microsoft news recap is a weekly feature highlighting the top Microsoft news stories of the past week. Sit back, grab some coffee, and enjoy the read!

Microsoft disrupts cyberattacks targeting Ukraine from Russian-GRU connected group Strontium

In an update, Microsoft has shared that it has been able to disrupt cyberattacks against Ukraine, from a group called Strontium, connected to the Russian-GRU. Following a court order granted on April 6, Microsoft redirected the domains used by Strontium to a sinkhole, helping disrupt attacks. It is reported that the group was targeting Ukraine media organisations, as well as think tanks in the US and European Union.

Microsoft Security Center

Microsoft shifts dates for its Inspire 2022 conference by a week, now July 19 -20

The next Inspire conference, Inspire 2022, is having its scheduled dates changed. The conference is now scheduled for July 19-20. The event will remain digital, however.

Microsoft shifts dates for its Inspire 2022 conference by a week, now July 19 -20 - - April 6, 2022

Head of Microsoft’s Digital Transformation Group is leaving the company

Now for some internal news at Microsoft. The Head of Microsoft’s Digital Transformation Group, James Phillips, who has been in post since the creation of the group and has a 10-year tenure behind his belt, is leaving the company.

Head of Microsoft's Digital Transformation Group is leaving the company - - April 4, 2022

That’s it for this week. We will be back next week with more Microsoft news.