Here’s what’s new this month in Bing: new UI for images, election coverage, more

Kareem Anderson

Microsoft Edge & Bing on Surface Pro

The team working on the presentation of Bing are constantly working on tweaks and additions that seemingly encourage users to engage with its web and app services more.

As of yesterday, the Bing team marked another milestone in the Bing User Interface update that brings users expanded US election info, NFL answers, a “Word of the Day” focus and some subtle image search tweaks.

As the day to vote in the 2018 mid-term elections in the US nears, Bing is now serving up multi-perspective results on ballot initiatives.

For example, Colorado voters can stay up to date on Proposition Y (redistricting limitations), or Proposition 111 (payday lending practices) while voters in Florida can view for and against arguments for Amendment 9 (offshore drilling) and Amendment 4 (felons’ voting rights).

Perhaps, through direct or indirect correlation to the political climate in the US, voters are seeking to make the most informed voting decisions than maybe some have done in the past. The new multi-perspective ballot initiative is one pillar of judicious reporting that more people are looking to have served up from their search engines and social media platforms.

Another new addition to the overall facelift to Bing is happening its ever-evolving image search platform. Bing Search has arguably been an influence on image search design for several search engines, over the past five years. The Bing team appears ready to expand that influence with the introduction of a new details pane and in-line image input search.

We’ve updated the UX of the image detail page on Bing desktop to more easily highlight new and relevant information about images you click on. For example, if you’re searching for images of food, Bing will automatically find recipes associated with that image, presenting the information in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.