ComScore data shows Bing search slightly increasing compared to Google

Hammad Saleem

Bing Present Holiday 2015 Featured

The market research firm ComScore has released its latest figures for different search engines. These specific numbers refer only to desktop searches within the United States but show some positive signs for Bing.

According to the latest numbers, Google continues to lead the search engine rankings in the US with a market share of 63.8 percent for the month of April 2016, a decline of 0.2 percent compared to the statistics last month. Microsoft’s Bing search engine is at the second spot and is steadily growing with a negligible increase of 0.2 percent for the month of April, resulting in a 21.6 percent market share. Last month, Bing managed to capture a 21.4 percent share in the US.

It may be a small increase, but Bing is gaining popularity very slowly. It managed to become the default search engine on Apple’s iOS operating system. Additionally, it seems Microsoft’s Windows 10 is also a positive factor as the search engine is built-in within the operating system.