CIA Website Brought Down, LulzSec Claims Credit


Looks like the hacker group LulzSec is at is again. This time, reports are indicating that the Central Intelligence Agency’s website was taken offline and the hacker group, Lulzsec, is taking all the credit for the security breach.

In a twitter post by “griefer” which read: “Tango down——for the lulz,” word was spreading like wildfire that the CIA’s website was taken down. Approximately 7PM, the website was back online.

Lulzsec has been responsible for a number of high-profile attacks, including attacks on Sony’s PlayStation Network and FBI affiliate Infragard. Other attacks include,, and the U.S. Senate’s public website.

To make things even worse, the hacker group is now accepting “hacking requests” via a phone call. Lulzsec tweeted this message to its 150,000 Twitter followers on Tuesday: “Now accepting calls from true lulz fans—let’s all laugh together at butthurt gamers. 614-LULZSEC, accepting as many as we can, let’s roll.”

The recent attack on Sony’s Playstation Network was via a “very simple SQL injection.” With todays attack on the CIA, we know that this hacker group is capable of launching massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

It is unknown if any sensitive data was taken from the CIA’s website. All we know is that the CIA’s website was taken down earlier today and came back online at about 7PM.

The CIA would not confirm nor deny the claims made by Lulzsec, other than the agency was looking into the matter.