Bing Maps Preview just got a whole lot better

Vu Anh Nguyen

Bing Maps Preview

Guys, Bing Maps Preview just got more awesome, and if we can trust the words of the Bing Maps team, it’s all because of you (if you use it and submit feedback).
The improvements to Bing Maps Preview contain all top suggestions from more than 46000 pieces of  feedback sent by users ever since the redesign was unveiled in July this year. Changes include a Hide button for the menu cards and the ability to turn map labels off in aerial and birds-eye modes. Distance and time taken per segment for routes with more than two waypoints have also been added.
One of the most requested feature that should come as a big cheer for UK users, however, is the inclusion of Ordnance Survey maps. The national mapmaker of Britain, Ordnance Survey boasts “the most detailed, current and comprehensive map dataset” for the region, and the availability of their maps on Bing Maps Preview should make the app an absolute essential for the outdoor loving souls; it is, however, currently only available in the UK.

Ordnane Survey mode (only available in the UK)
Ordnane Survey mode (only available in the UK)

Overall, the update improved on both the usability and content of the service, and is also a concrete proof of Microsoft’s increasing collaborations and communications with its customers, and we can expect many more exciting user-backed features in the future.