Bing Image Creator officially ships in Creative mode

Kevin Okemwa

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Earlier this week, Microsoft announced Bing Image Creator, a neat tool powered by OpenAI’s DALL∙E model that’s designed to let users create images using their own voices. The company indicated that the new addition will accelerate the rate of comprehension as the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster compared to texts.

Microsoft indicated that it will be rolling out the feature in Creative mode first, and now, the company has confirmed that the feature has shipped in Creative mode officially.

Some users already have access to the neat tool and have begun toying around with it, asking it to create all sorts of images and asking Bing to refine it even further to their liking.

Of course, all this is to a point as Microsoft has placed elaborate measures in place to ensure that users don’t misuse the tool to create harmful images. The system will automatically detect these instances and block the prompts.

The company had indicated that it intends to roll out the feature in a “phased approach” before eventually releasing it to broader availability. It further added the motive behind this is to ensure that users have access to Bing Image Creator in a Balanced and Precise mode over time.

Our Managing Editor, Kip Kniskern already had access to the feature, but this has since changed as it now features a link in Bing/Images as displayed below:

Bing Image Creator

It should also be noted that the number of free credits, or “boosts” assigned to the user is limited, though you can use your Microsoft Rewards to get more credits. Running out of credits doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t be able to create images using your words, only that it will take longer to generate them, and credits reload each week.

Do you have access to Bing’s Image Creator? Share your experience with us in the comments.

Featured Image created with Bing Image Creator “create and image of a painter at an easel in renaissance style”