Become better at pitching ideas with these PowerPoint tips from Galvanized Media CEO Jon Hammond

Michael Cottuli

Pitching ideas is a huge part of several jobs – and being able to get your pitch through is something that can be rewarding in a whole lot of ways. If you were looking for advice on how to nail your pitch, you can listen to some of the tips from the CEO of Galvanized Media, Jon Hammond.

It can be nerve-wracking to pitch someone an idea, but Jon has a few tips that can help ease those nerves by helping you make a strong presentation.

Jon had a lot to offer in the latest post on the Office blog, which was geared towards helping people nail their PowerPoint presentations. Like most of the things that come through the Office Blog, this piece boils down to an advertisement – but there’s still a whole lot of solid advice here. Jon talks about how you can keep the pace of your presentation succinct, how you can keep your pitch “modular” to make room for your client’s needs, and how to make sure that your audience isn’t falling asleep while you’re presenting.

Jon swears by PowerPoint, noting how it’s universally understood by people and removes a lot of the learning curve that come from other presentation mediums. Just about everybody’s used PowerPoint in some way or another, which makes it a huge asset when you’re trying to make your point as simple as possible.