Back and forth over Activision Blizzard deal continues as Sony accuses Microsoft of “harassment”

Robert Collins

The back and forth between Sony and Microsoft over the latter’s bid to acquire Activision Blizzard continues well into 2023. As reported by Axios, Sony is now accusing Microsoft of “obvious harassment” over its information requests from Sony.

You may recall that Microsoft has subpoenaed Sony in the forthcoming FTC lawsuit against Microsoft to block the deal. The initial hearing is set for August 2nd. The two companies are now disputing the amount of information Sony should bring forth in response to the subpoena.

According to the Axios report, Microsoft claims Sony is trying to stall or elude providing the information required by Microsoft, while Sony says the documentation being asked for by Microsoft is “massive.” In its motion to limit the subpoena Sony stated

This gamesmanship by Microsoft is inefficient and inappropriate,

Sony’s remarks went on to say that,

Microsoft’s demand for performance reviews for SIE’s leadership is obvious harassment.

This comes on the heels of this week’s announcement from the CMA that it’s provisional findings were that the deal could be detrimental to competition in the gaming industry.

Via Pure Xbox