Windows 10 Insider Preview build 10122 recieves addtional round of security updates

Kareem Anderson

Windows 10 Insider Preview build 10122 recieves addtional round of security updates

As Microsoft enters polish mode for Windows 10, Insiders should expect fewer feature-pack builds. Instead, Microsoft is offering smaller updates intended to squash bugs and address potential security issues. Just a few days ago Windows 10’s most recent Insider build (10122) underwent its first round of security patches and bug fixes. The May 27th updates addressed vulnerabilities in remote code access to Windows Journal and resolution in Internet Explorer. Not more than two days later; Insiders are being offered two more updates that are geared towards security.

According to a tweet caught from Gabe Aul, pointing Insiders to the Insider Hub for more information, the updates are as follows:

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS15-044 – Critical

This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Lync, and Microsoft Silverlight. The most severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted document or visits an untrusted web page that contains embedded TrueType fonts.

Microsoft security advisory: Update for vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer

Microsoft has released a security advisory for IT professionals about vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer. This security advisory contains additional security-related information.

It looks like, while the Windows team continues to patch up and tweak the current build, there is yet another build baking in the oven. Gabe mentioned a few days ago that build 10130 is going through internal rings currently. For Insiders, the wait for the next build shouldn’t be too much longer, but in any event, it should come with fewer bugs and security issues.