Windows could soon lose to Android as most popular OS for accessing the internet

Kit McDonald

Analysts have known for a while that more users make purchases via mobile internet than on their desktops. What we might not have realized is that with the decline of Windows Phone availability, Android is pulling ahead as the most popular operating system for using the internet.

According to StatCounter, an independent web analytics company, the rise of Android internet use about to overtake the market. The research determined that 38.6% of internet usage was through Windows, mostly via desktops, while Android closed the gap all the way up to 37.4% last month.

The concept of Android beating Microsoft down was unheard of until lately, according to Aodhan Cullen, CEO of StatCounter. “In January 2012 Windows held 82% global internet usage share compared to just 2.2% for Android.”

It doesn’t come as a surprise, though, since the mobile market has become the norm compared to five years ago when it was a convenience. StatCounter even pointed out that 84.1% of the Windows internet usage was through desktop alone, leaving Android in a position to take advantage of higher speeds and increased availability.