Samsung removes LinkedIn cards from its Bixby assistant

Jack Wilkinson

Samsung Bixby

Bixby is Samsung’s own take on a virtual assistant, similar to Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, or Microsoft’s Cortana. Bixby is only available on Samsung devices and is most notable on its flagship smartphones, such as the Samsung Note 9.

In February, Samsung announced it would be removing Bixby’s support for LinkedIn cards. Cards on Bixby provide information on the home screen of devices to provide at-a-glance information.

As of early March, Samsung has now officially removed support for LinkedIn cards, so users will need to use the LinkedIn app to see the latest information from their connections, rather than using a card on the home screen. Samsung alerted users to the change through a notice sent to users via Bixby:

Samsung Bixby LinkedIn Cards

No reason was provided for the removal of the LinkedIn card service, but Samsung notes that it’s working on bringing bigger and better things; it’s not clear if this includes an improved LinkedIn card service or not, but for now, users will need to stick to the LinkedIn app on Android.