Pre-order Blast’em Bunnies and buy Factotum today for the Xbox One

Vu Anh Nguyen

It’s raining games on the Xbox One this week it seems. Having announced five high-production-value games just the other day, Major Nelson has once again taken to his blog today to talk about two new games available for the Xbox One, this time with a more wacky, indie flavor.

The first is Blast’Em Bunnies, a stationary FPS developed by Nnooo. The gameplay will be instantly familiar to nostalgic gamers who have played the Beach Head series: you stand in one place, defending your position from the oncoming onslaught of a variety of enemies.

Replacing the WWII beach with a cartoonish garden, modern soldiers and warmachines (and even yourself) with, er, rabbits, and you get Blast’Em Bunnies. Oh, and of course you’d be shooting turnips, carrots and beans..what, you think you can have a real gun in this totally kid-friendly game? (The appearance of an enemy bunny called a “throatslitter”, complete with a hostage and bloody knife, is very unsettling, however.)

The game is available for pre-order from the Xbox Store.

The second new release is a puzzle game called Factotum 90, developed by TACS Games. Set in deep space, the player assumes remote control of two small, boxy robots via a “walker control terminal”, on a ship whose main power grid has come offline due to an unknown collision. Using the robots, players will have to pass through 30 levels to restore life to the ship and find out the truth about the collision.

The main game interface resembles the control interface of an old terminal, with two separate monitors on top, one for each robot. The players only have six basic commands to give the robots, that they have to use innovatively to solve the game’s puzzles, so those hoping for one-person Portal 2 multiplayer-style gameplay may be disappointed.

Factorum 90 can now be purchased from the Xbox Store.