Office Mobile for Windows 10 apps updated, drops preview tag

Zac Bowden

Office Mobile

Microsoft has today pushed out a new update for the Office Mobile apps on Windows 10, which at first sight doesn’t appear to do much. However, the update appears to drop the preview tag, something the apps have been carrying since their public debut back in January. The apps have been updated to version 17.4229.10041.0.

Apart from the apps dropping the preview tag, there doesn’t appear to be much new. Microsoft is currently working hard on finalizing Office 2016, so we wouldn’t be too surprised if the Office Mobile apps were heading the same way. Perhaps Microsoft will announce Office 2016 RTM alongside Windows 10’s RTM? Who knows.

Word Mobile

You can grab the new Office Mobile app updates from the Windows Store now. Once updated, the Word, Excel and PowerPoint apps will no longer rock that preview tag. Let us know what else you find in this new update in the comments section below.

Thanks for the tip, @duluc!