Microsoft says it now will continue to support Security Essentials for Windows 7

Jonny Caldwell

Microsoft offers one year of of free Windows 7 extended security updates to some enterprise customers

Microsoft has verified that it will continue continue to support Microsoft Security Essentials after seemingly contradictory information suggested that it won’t be supported at all, even to those who purchased Extended Security updates for Windows 7. The support document previously read:

No, your Windows 7 PC will not be protected by Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) after January 14, 2020. This product is unique to Windows 7 and follows the same lifecycle dates for support.

During an AMA on the Microsoft Community Forums, Computerwould’s Woody Leonhard asked the team:

Can you confirm that Microsoft will really, for sure, cut off Microsoft Security Essentials malware signature updates after January 14? Even if you’re paying for Extended Support?

Mike Cure, a engineer for the company, responded that Security Essentials will continue to receive “signature updates” after the operating system is no longer supported, as noted in the Windows 7 end of support FAQ:

Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) will continue to receive signature updates after January 14, 2020. However, the MSE platform will no longer be updated.

Another user alerted Cure to the contradicting statement on the ESU support document, to which he replied: “I’ll get [the ESU FAQ] corrected as soon as possible.”

With January 14 being be the official end of support date for Windows 7 (the company hasn’t been shy about warnings), it’s generally recommended that many should update to a newer operating system, preferably Windows 10. However those who still need time before making the full dive should be able to rest easier that their systems will continue to be protected by Security Essentials.

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