Microsoft Remote Desktop gets loads of bug fixes in latest iOS app update

Brad Stephenson

Microsoft Remote Desktop app

The iOS version of the Microsoft Remote Desktop app updated to Version 10.1.3 and fixed a variety of bugs that were affecting audio and visual outputs.

Here’s the full release notes with all of the details:

We’ve put together some bug fixes and feature updates for this 10.1.3 release. Here’s what’s new:

  • The input mode (Mouse Pointer or Touch mode) is now global across all active PC and remote app connections.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented microphone redirection from working consistently.
  • Fixed a bug that caused audio output to play from an iPhone earpiece instead of the internal speaker.
  • Added support for automatically switching audio output between the iPhone/iPad internal speaker, bluetooth speakers and Airpods.
  • Audio now continues to play in the background when switching away from the client or locking the device.
  • The input mode automatically switches to Touch mode when using a SwiftPoint mouse on iPhones or iPads (not running iPadOS 13.4 or later).
  • Addressed graphics output failures that occurred when the server was configured to use AVC444 full screen mode.
  • Fixes to address VoiceOver bugs.
  • In addition, we’ve changed how panning around a zoomed in session works when using an external mouse or trackpad. To move around a zoomed in session with an external mouse or trackpad, simply press on and then drag away from the pan knob with the mouse cursor. To pan around in Touch mode, simply press on the pan knob and then move your finger. The session will stick to your finger and follow it around. Finally, in Mouse Pointer mode you can pan around by pushing the virtual mouse cursor against the sides of the screen.

Do you ever use the iOS Remote Desktop app or do you prefer an alternative solution? Let us know in the comments below and then follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more Microsoft app updates.