Microsoft makes new Windows 8 logo official, will be Metro styled


Recent reports had suggested that Microsoft would be redesigning the Windows 8 logo and some reports even stated that it was not true. Today, Microsoft officially revealed a new logo for Windows 8 that is no longer a flag, but a window.

When it comes to the next iteration of Microsoft’s operation system, Windows 8, Microsoft is not only re-imagining the core of windows in term of the new Metro user interface and the engine upon which applications are developed; the logo is also getting a dose of re-imagination

“The Windows logo is a strong and widely recognized mark but when we stepped back and analyzed it, we realized an evolution of our logo would better reflect our Metro style design principles and we also felt there was an opportunity to reconnect with some of the powerful characteristics of previous incarnations,” Microsoft stated in an official blog post.

Designed by a company named Pentagram, Microsoft set its sights on several key principles when trying to come up with the perfect logo for Windows 8. First, the logo needed to be modern and classic at the same time. The logo needed to use bold flat colors and clean lines and shapes. Second, the logo needed to carry the Metro principle and must align with the fast and fluid style of Windows 8. And finally, the logo needed to have a slight tilt and change in color. This pretty much means that the logo will change colors depending on what theme you use.

“We did less of a re-design and more to return it to its original meaning and bringing Windows back to its roots – reimagining the Windows logo as just that – a window,” Microsoft added.

You can read the full blog post here which goes over past logo designs.