Microsoft celebrates record earnings with a new Windows 10 Insider build, go get 18267 for Fast/Skip Ahead rings now

Kip Kniskern

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Hot on the heels of Microsoft’s 1st quarter earnings statement, Microsoft just dropped a new Windows 10 Insider build for the Fast and Skip Ahead rings. Build 18267 includes the addition of support for Vietnamese Telex and number key based keyboards (VNI) to make typing in Vietnamese quite a bit easier. Microsoft has included instructions on how to test out the new inputs in their blog post on the new build, check it out.

The touch keyboard now has lots more symbols and special characters all accessible under a new “Omega” (Ω) key on the touch keyboard.

Narrator has received some love, too, with better support for Chrome, BRLTTY v 5.6 support for Narrator Braille, and whatever this means:

UI Automation framework IAccessible2 Support: The UI Automation framework now supports translating IAccessible2 information from Chrome, which supports IAccessible2 rather than UI Automation. This enables UI Automation clients to receive the IAccessible2 information through the UI Automation client

Search Indexing gains some new features that “enables Windows to search all your folders and drives, instead of limiting search to your documents, pictures, videos, and desktop by default. To turn it on, search for Windows search settings, and in the Searching Windows settings, under “Find My Files”, select Enhanced to begin the one-time indexing process. ” The process should take about 15 minutes, or maybe longer, depending on the number of files you have on your machine.

Once the indexing is done, “you’ll be able to find all your files almost instantly when you use Windows Search,” a welcome improvement indeed.

So revel in that 44% YoY increase in Xbox revenue and get to downloading!