AMD to take on Intel, launch three new Ryzen 7 processors on March 2nd

Michael Cottuli

AMD is looking to step up their game on processors, attempting to stand toe-to-toe with the industry champions at Intel. The company’s latest entry in their line of processors takes the name of “Ryzen 7,” and they intend to make them the absolute best choice out there for gaming hobbyists and other computer fanatics.

The Ryzen 7 processors are meant to be top-of-the-line for anyone who needs a high-power processor, including gamers and content creators. It’s quite surprising, then, that AMD is offering a pretty competitive price point. The three processors being offered up by AMD start at $329 and head up to $499.

If you want to learn all there is to know about Ryzen, you ought to check out the 20+ minute talk on the new set of processors, where a lot of questions about the device are answered. You can also check out the device’s page on AMD’s website, which will show off some of its specs. If you’re sold, pre-orders opened up today – you can reserve yours right now.